TEC-The Equipping Church Global

We See Men In Their Multitude Saved, Trained, And Sent

We envision all men everywhere fullfilling and walking in the fullness of God’s plan for their lives.

Upcoming Events
Spreading the Knowledge of God in Every Place
At The Equipping Center, God has put us on display in Christ to the nations. We operate with the message of reconciliation on our lips. Preaching the Gospel to all, till the whole world calls on and believes in the Name of Jesus.
Reaching The Unsaved
Through teachings and active discipleship, we are committed to raising faithful men who are sound in truth, able to give a defence for the faith and will be able to teach others also.
A Family Bound Together With Love
We seek to promote brotherly love and affection as we fellowship. Serving God together with one passion, and knit in love as family.
Join Us Every Sunday - 12pm
Address- ST PATRICK'S HALL, Conybere St Albans Academy, B12 0YH
Help Advance God’s Work Through The Equipping Center
We envision all men celebrating endless life in Christ. Our reach is to the ends of the earth, we are redeploying people in Christ, for Christ, with Joy.

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