TEC-The Equipping Church Global

We Want All Men Saved, Trained and Sent

The Equipping Center is an apostolic summon and multi-racial church sent to present the gospel to the unsaved, make ministry gifts out of saints and deploy the trained to do all God has said for them to do. We are a ministry with a heart focused on planting churches and building Christian communities everywhere especially across the Western part of the world.

Our Mission

To be an effective evangelical ministry, bringing men to God's family

To be an effective teaching ministry, establishing men in sound doctrine and celebrating God's wisdom in the word

To be an effective training ministry, transforming weak spiritual form to strength by drills in spirituals disciplines

To be an effective sending ministry, launching men to fulfil God's heart in the nations and theworld at arge.

Our Vision

We envision men everywhere fulfilling ministry and walking in the fulness of God's plans for their

Meet Our
Lead Pastor

Pastor Nelson

Pastor Nelson Iheagwam is a believer passionate about men coming to the truth of salvation, growing in the same and walking in the fullness of the plans and purposes of God for them. He is passionate about Apologetics, the things of the spirit, accurate teaching of God’s word and fervor seen in the heart and acts of the believer. With meetings under his belt, it is a testimony of his ministry that many have been undoubtedly touched by the power of the Spirit and fervor ignited in the heart of much more. It is his ultimate vision that men in their multitude be saved, trained and sent to duplicate the former in the lives of others as has been in theirs.

Help Advance God’s Work Through The Equipping Center
We envision all men celebrating endless life in Christ. Our reach is to the ends of the earth, we are redeploying people in Christ, for Christ, with Joy.

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